Professional Competence - Brno EN

Professional Competence

A proof of professional competence must be attached to the notification form (vocational and professional trades) and to the application form (permitted trades).

Documents not issued in the Czech language must be officially translated by a registered translator (choose Tlumočníci a překladatelé => Soudní překladatel). The authenticity of signatures and stamp imprints on the originals of submitted documents issued abroad must be legalized unless an international treaty stipulates otherwise. As for the notifiers/applicants regarded as EU persons, this applies only if the accuracy of the translation made by a person other than a registered translator or the signature and stamp imprint authenticity should be questioned.

In most cases, documents confirming university education which have been issued abroad shall be accompanied by a certificate of recognition, and documents confirming all the other levels of education which have been issued abroad shall be accompanied by a recognition clause (see

For the purpose of proving work experience gained as an employee, a bilingual specimen of work experience confirmation can be downloaded from Živnostenský úřad města Brna (ŽÚmB) => Formuláře a vzory => Specimen – Work Experience Confirmation, bilingual CZ-EN.

Persons regarded as EU citizens can always prove their professional competence by a legally effective decision on recognition of qualification issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This document replaces both proof of education and experience if required, and it can also replace an extract from the crime register if the extract has been attached to the application for recognition. The application can be submitted via the Point of Single Contact.

Responsible representative

When the notifier/applicant is a natural person, he/she presents either documents proving his/her own professional competence, or he/she can appoint a responsible representative who proves professional competence for the notifier/applicant.

When the notifier/applicant is a legal person, it always has to appoint a responsible representative who proves professional competence for the notifier/applicant.

If it is a responsible representative who proves professional competence, he/she must sign a declaration that he/she agrees to his/her appointment (see prohlášení odpovědného zástupce); the signature on the declaration shall be legalised unless the responsible representative makes the declaration in person before the trade licensing office (usually upon making the submission), or unless the responsible representative sends the declaration to this office from his/her data mailbox (datová schránka) or by e-mail signed by his/her qualified electronic signature.

The responsible representative is a natural person who is appointed by the entrepreneur to whom the person is responsible for the proper carrying-on of the trade and compliance with trade licensing legislation, and who is in a contractual relationship with the entrepreneur. The responsibility of the representative does not apply to consumers or state authorities. The extent of participation of the responsible representative in the carrying-on of the trade as well as the nature of his/her relationship with the entrepreneur, is purely a matter of mutual agreement.

No person may be appointed as a responsible representative for more than four entrepreneurs.

If the responsible representative is a foreigner, his/her extract from the crime register may need to be attached to the submission – the same rules apply as to the entrepreneur [see “Trade Licence (for EU Citizens)” or “Trade Licence (for Third-Country Nationals)”].

Professional competence for actual exercise of certain trades

Natural persons who, under the entrepreneur’s name, perform activities constituting trades listed in Annex No 5 to the Trade Licensing Act, must comply with requirements of professional competence specified in this list.

It means that whether it was the notifier/applicant or the responsible representative whose proofs of professional competence had been attached to the notification/application form, the above mentioned requirements apply to all natural persons participating in carrying out of these activities for the entrepreneur, be it the entrepreneur himself/herself or his/her employees.

The entrepreneur does not need to prove compliance with these requirements when notifying/applying for the licence but it can be checked anytime later by the trade licensing office’s inspectors.

The acceptability of proofs of professional competence can be consulted at any time prior to making the submission, or after that, with our employees:

Ms Vendula Podlipná,, phone +420 542 173 326
Mr Lukáš Lysoněk,, phone +420 542 173 056
Ms Adéla Nečasová,, phone +420 542 173 565
Ms Zuzana Ficalová,, phone +420 542 173 344

Magistrát města Brna (Brno City Municipality)
Živnostenský úřad města Brna (Trade Licensing Office of Brno City)
Malinovského nám. 3, 601 67 Brno, 4th floor

Czech website: Živnostenský úřad města Brna (ŽÚmB)

Appointments can be made via => English-speaking clients.