Classification of Trades - Brno EN

Classification of Trades

Trades are classified as:

  1. notifiable trades (ohlašovací živnosti) – the trade licence is effective as of the day of the notification,
  2. permitted trades (koncesované živnosti) – the trade licence is effective as of the day on which the decision granting the concession becomes legally effective.

Exceptions to these rules apply to entities that are required to be entered in the commercial or similar register if they notify/apply for the licence prior to their registration in such a register [see “Trade Licence (for Czech Legal Persons)” or “Trade Licence (for Foreign Legal Persons)”], and to third-country nationals who notified/applied for the licence prior to getting their residence permit [see “Trade Licence (for Third-Country Nationals)”].

Notifiable trades

  1. vocational trades (řemeslné živnosti, Annex No. 1 to the Trade Licensing Act – TLA) – professional competence is required; the requirements are set uniformly for all trades (e.g. proof of education in a relevant field, proof of education in a related field and of one year’s experience, proof of six years’ experience etc. – section 21 and 22 of the TLA),
  2. professional trades (vázané živnosti, Annex No. 2 to the TLA) – professional competence is required and the requirements are set individually for each trade (e.g. a specific certificate, proof of education in a specific field or proof of education and experience etc.),
  3. unqualified trade (volná živnost, Annex No. 4 to the TLA) – no professional competence is set as a condition for carrying on the trade.

Permitted trades

Most permitted trades (Annex No. 3 to the TLA) require professional competence, the requirements are set individually for each trade and some of the trades need also an opinion to be expressed by a state administration authority for which other documents must be attached to the application.

Permitted trades which require neither professional competence nor another authority’s opinion are

  • concession for selling spirits,
  • concession for road transport operated by small motor vehicles (passenger vehicles designed for carrying no more than 9 persons including the driver, freight vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3,5 tonnes if used for providing national transport services and freight vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 2,5 tonnes if used for providing international transport services).

How to correctly classify an activity as a particular trade

Government Decree No. 278/2008 Coll., on the content of trades, contains detailed descriptions of activities belonging to each trade as well as each area/field of activity pertaining to the unqualified trade.

Please contact our employees in case of any doubt regarding classification of your activity:

Ms Vendula Podlipná,, phone +420 542 173 326
Mr Lukáš Lysoněk,, phone +420 542 173 056
Ms Adéla Nečasová,, phone +420 542 173 565
Ms Zuzana Ficalová,, phone +420 542 173 344

Magistrát města Brna (Brno City Municipality)
Živnostenský úřad města Brna (Trade Licensing Office of Brno City)
Malinovského nám. 3, 601 67 Brno, 4th floor

Czech website: Živnostenský úřad města Brna (ŽÚmB)

Appointments can be made via => English-speaking clients.