International Projects of the City of Brno - Brno EN

International Projects of the City of Brno

Centre for International Trade

The Centre for International Trade project provides for foreign trade missions. It also offers local enterprises, especially SME’s, professional services in terms of information, assistance, education, consultations and presentation, thus helping them enhance their export potential and chance to succeed competitively both in the EU and globally.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Strategic Development and Cooperation Department at

More information:  (in Czech only)

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The MECOG-CE project is aimed at strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in Central Europe and was supported by the Interreg Central Europe programme. 
The City of Brno is the main lead partner of the project, which aims to identify the best tools, procedures and examples of good practice for strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance. The project brings together six European metropolitan areas, two universities, a metropolitan research institute, and other organizations. The main objective of the cooperation between the partners is to develop a Strategy for Strengthening Metropolitan Cooperation and Governance in Central Europe, to develop action plans for the individual partner cities, to test selected tools and methods in practice and to develop a generally transferable methodology for strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance, which will then be shared with other cities.
The project started on 1 April 2023 and will run for 36 months. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Strategic Development and Cooperation Department at

More information: and

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The SCHOOLHOODS (schools as the focal point of an integrated planning approach for 15-minute neighbourhoods and a green urban mobility transition) project focuses on school mobility and public spaces in the neighbourhoods of schools. Parents often bring the pupils to school by car, which brings about a number of negative consequences – increased traffic around the school, pupils’ insufficient physical movement or limited learning about how to navigate traffic. Suitable adjustments in the neighbourhood of schools and educational activities can help increase the number of pupils who will go to school by foot, bike, scooter or public transport.

With the help of exchange of knowledge and experience, the project aims to create an action plan of school mobility that will be ready for implementation and provide appropriate solutions and adjustments of the schools’ 15-minute neighbourhoods. The project implementation will take place on two levels; the first is that of integrated planning and management on a consortium level, while the second relates to local activities implemented by URBACT Local Groups in which local stakeholders are involved. The project implementation will support towns and cities in their transition towards green school urban mobility via integrated action plans and exchange of knowledge and experience within the project consortium. 

The SCHOOLHOODS project is supported by the URBACT IV programme. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Transportation Department at

More information: or here (pdf, 96 KB) 

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