I am starting a business in Brno & I offer innovative solutions and I need advice
Do you have a start-up company or are you starting your innovative business in Brno and you need advice? Are you looking for support options for your project? Do you need to test your solution in practice? Contact the innovation agency JIC (South Moravian Innovation Centre), which provides consulting support for entrepreneurs from Brno and the South Moravian Region. They can connect you with other entrepreneurs from your field or others, advise on financing, and also offer you offices and other premises to rent.
- JIC, South Moravian Innovation Centre
Phone: (+420) 511 205 330, e-mail: jic@jic.cz - BrnoIN – Strategic Development and Cooperation Department of the City of Brno
- Brno Region – here you can also find interesting information if you want to start a business in Brno or invest in the region.