!!! Important notice !!!
Dear entrepreneurs (especially those who have gained your trade licence recently),
After having arranged your trade licence, did you receive a letter asking you to pay a fee and you thought: “What? Yet another fee to pay?!”
It really can happen that shortly after arranging your trade licence, you get a letter which probably is just a business contract proposal offering a service of being included in an unofficial internet register or database; however, it can appear as an invoice or an official request to pay an administrative fee.
The letter can include words referring to business registration, such as “rejstřík”, “portál”, “obchod”, “živnost”, “komora” or “podnikatel”, reference or file numbers, round stamps etc.
You can – but do not have to – use such offers to conclude a contract (i.e. you can – but do not have to – pay the required amount); it is a matter of your free choice whether you decide to use the offered service or not. This proposal is never a letter from the trade licensing office, nor does it relate to your entry in the trade licensing register. Before getting this letter you certainly have already paid the fee for arranging your trade licence at the trade licensing office and you also have been entered into the official trade licensing register (www.rzp.cz/portal/en/rejstrik => Find an entrepreneur).
Please note! However, if you have already paid the amount required by the letter in the past and thus concluded a contract, on the basis of which you subsequently receive additional invoices, you are in a different situation than stated above. Such an agreement must be terminated in a standard way if you do not wish to continue. It is therefore necessary to distinguish between the initial contract proposal when you have not paid anything yet, and the valid invoices based on the previous payment.
In case of doubt regarding the nature of received letters, please contact our employees:
Ms Vendula Podlipná, podlipna.vendula@brno.cz, phone +420 542 173 326
Mr Lukáš Lysoněk, lysonek.lukas@brno.cz, phone +420 542 173 056
Ms Adéla Nečasová, necasova.adela@brno.cz, phone +420 542 173 565
Ms Zuzana Ficalová, ficalova.zuzana@brno.cz, phone +420 542 173 344
Magistrát města Brna (Brno City Municipality)
Živnostenský úřad města Brna (Trade Licensing Office of Brno City)
Malinovského nám. 3, 601 67 Brno, 4th floor
E-mail: zu@brno.cz
Czech website: Živnostenský úřad města Brna (ŽÚmB)
Appointments can be made via www.brno.cz/w/online-objednani-zu => English-speaking clients.