Registry Offices - Brno EN

Registry Offices

The Administrative Division of the Internal Affairs Department of Brno City Municipality (Husova 12) carries out higher verification of registration documents, i.e. birth, marriage and death certificates, registered partnership documents, certificate of legal capacity to enter into marriage/partnership, confirmation of data entered in the registry book, confirmation of data stated in the collection of documents, and declaration of paternity, issued by the registry offices within the district of the city of Brno. It also updates the duplicates of the registers kept until 31 December 1958, keeps and updates the collection of documents, allows consultation of them, and issues confirmations and copies from the collection of documents.

Registries of Brno City districts (listed below) process the agenda of births, marriages/partnerships and deaths together with the related registration documents (birth, marriage and death certificates). They also accept the parents' consent declaration on paternity, both for the unborn child (if it has already been conceived) and for the already born child. They issue certificates for marriages, issue certificates of the legal capacity to marry or enter a registered partnership abroad, and decide on changes of names and surnames.

List of registries and wedding halls

Are you looking for a place for a wedding/formation of registered partnership or to register the birth of your child? Here is a list of the relevant offices in Brno:

ÚMČ Brno-Bystrc (Brno-Bystrc City District Office)

Office address: nám. 28. dubna 60, 635 00 Brno
With competence for city districts: Brno-Bystrc, Brno-Kníničky, Brno-Žebětín.
Wedding hall: Společenské centrum, Odbojářská 2, Brno-Bystrc.

ÚMČ Brno-Královo Pole (Brno-Královo Pole City District Office)

Office address: Palackého třída 59, 612 93 Brno
With competence for city districts: Brno-Královo Pole, Brno-Medlánky, Brno-Ivanovice, Brno-Jehnice, Brno-Útěchov.
Wedding hall: Husitská 1, Brno-Královo Pole.

ÚMČ Brno-Líšeň (Brno-Líšeň City District Office)

Office address: Jírova 2, 628 00 Brno
With competence for city districts: Brno-Líšeň, Brno-Vinohrady.
Wedding hall: Belcredi Castle, Pohankova 8, Brno-Líšeň.

ÚMČ Brno-Řečkovice a Mokrá Hora (Brno-Řečkovice and Mokrá Hora City District Office)

Office address: Palackého nám. 11, 621 00 Brno
With competence for city districts: Brno-Řečkovice and Mokrá Hora, Brno-Ořešín.
Wedding hall: Palackého náměstí 11, Brno-Řečkovice and Mokrá Hora.

ÚMČ Brno-sever (Brno-sever City District Office)

Office address: Bratislavská 70, 601 47 Brno
With competence for city districts: Brno-sever, Brno-Maloměřice and Obřany.
Wedding hall: Kinokavárna, náměstí SNP 33, Brno-Černá Pole.

ÚMČ Brno-střed (Brno-střed City District Office)

Office address: Nádražní 4, 601 69 Brno
With competence for city districts: Brno-střed, Brno-Bohunice, Brno-Starý Lískovec, Brno-Nový Lískovec, Brno-Kohoutovice, Brno-Bosonohy.
Wedding hall: Nová radnice (New Town Hall), Dominikánské náměstí 1, Brno-střed.

Zvláštní matrika ÚMČ Brno-střed (Special Registry of Brno-střed City District Office)

Office address: Nádražní 4, 601 69 Brno
Upon request, the Special Registry keeps records of births, marriages/registered partnerships, and deaths of citizens of the Czech Republic that occurred in the territory of a foreign state, at an embassy of the Czech Republic, on a ship or aircraft outside the Czech Republic or in a place which is not in the jurisdiction of any state.

ÚMČ Brno-Tuřany (Brno-Tuřany City District Office)

Office address: Tuřanské náměstí 1, 620 00 Brno
With competence for city districts: Brno-Tuřany and Brno-Chrlice.
Wedding hall: Tuřanské náměstí 1, Brno-Tuřany.

ÚMČ Brno-Žabovřesky (Brno-Žabovřesky City District Office)

Office address: Horova 28, 616 00 Brno
With competence for city districts: Brno-Žabovřesky, Brno-Komín, Brno-Jundrov.
Wedding hall: Kulturní dům Rubín, Makovského náměstí 3, Brno-Žabovřesky.

ÚMČ Brno-Židenice (Brno-Židenice City District Office)

Office address: Gajdošova 7, 615 00 Brno
With competence for city districts: Brno-Židenice, Brno-Černovice, Brno-Slatina, Brno-jih.
Wedding hall: Lazaretní 2, Brno-Zábrdovice.