City Networks - Brno EN

City Networks

The City of Brno is a member of the following international networks:


City Destinations Alliance

City Destinations Alliance (CityDNA, formerly known as European Cities Marketing) is an association for tourist boards, convention bureaux and city marketing organisations in Europe. It is a knowledge-sharing network for cities and urban regions working to unfold the potential of the visitor economy (leisure, the meetings industry and city marketing). The vision is for all cities in Europe to flourish as great places to live, work, meet and explore. Membership since 2017.

Jana Pelikánová, Marketing and Tourism Department

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Cooperation Network of European Medium-Sized Cities

An open network of 34 European cities exchanging experience in various fields. Membership since 1995.

Klára Kuříková, Foreign Relations Department

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A network of 200 large European cities focusing on cooperation in all areas of city administration. Brno has been a member since 1993 and is active in the following fora:

  • Mobility Forum
  • Social Affairs Forum
  • Environment Forum
  • Economic Development Forum
  • Culture Forum
  • Digital Forum
  • Urban Governance Group

Foreign Relations Department

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International Association of Event Hosts

The International Association of Event Hosts (IAEH) is a world-wide organization for representatives of international destinations to collaborate together to generate the best possible value from hosting major sporting and cultural events. IAEH provides a platform for its members to learn from the successes and challenges of major events, share knowledge and generate greater long-term social and economic benefits from hosting events. Membership since 2019.

Marie Nováčková, Marketing and Tourism Department

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METREX (Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas) is an organization that gathers European metropolitan regions on a platform focusing on sharing knowledge and experience on metropolitan issues. Membership since 2020.

Soňa Raszková, Strategic Development and Cooperation Department

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UNESCO Creative Cities Network – Music

The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) was created in 2004 to promote cooperation with and among cities that have identified creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable urban development. The Network covers seven creative fields: Crafts and Folk Arts, Media Arts, Film, Design, Gastronomy, Literature and Music. The City of Brno has been a member of the Network as a City of Music since 2017. More information on TIC Brno.

David Dittrich, UNESCO Chief Coordinator

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WHO European Healthy Cities Network

Brno has been a member since 1994 and is the only representative of the Czech Republic in this network.

Eva Kalová, Participation Department

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